Workforce Planning in the Tasmanian State Service

About this report or communique

Report of the Auditor-General No. 2 of 2016-17

Workforce Planning in the Tasmanian State Service

This review was initiated by the Auditor-General in response to the significant demographic challenges to be faced by the Tasmanian State Service (TSS) and the need to ensure appropriate planning for service delivery in the future.

For the purposes of this report, the definition of workforce planning (WFP) is taken as:

  • A core process of human resource (HR) management that is shaped by organisational strategy and ensures the right number of people with the right skills are in the right place at the right time to deliver short and long-term organisational objectives.
  • It is not the sole responsibility of the HR function: it is a management and leadership capability.
  • It can be undertaken on a systemic basis, or it can be undertaken on an occupational basis specifically assessing the resource requirements for a single occupation or defined role.