About this report or communique
Report of the Auditor-General No. 7 2018-19
Performance management in the Tasmanian State Service: A focus on quality conversations
The objective of the audit was to evaluate the effectiveness of performance management in the Tasmanian State Service with a specific focus on the effectiveness of performance and development conversations between managers (including supervisors) and employees that form the basis for providing and receiving feedback.
The audit scope included the performance management framework established and activities undertaken to manage performance of teams and individual employees in the following agencies:
- Department of Education
- Department of Health (previously Department of Health and Human Services prior to 1 July 2018), excluding the Tasmanian Health Service
- Department of Communities Tasmania (previously Department of Health and Human Services and Department of Premier and Cabinet [for Communities Sport and Recreation and Silverdome] prior to 1 July 2018)
- Department of Premier and Cabinet
- Department of Justice.
In undertaking our audit, we did not focus on compliance against ‘Employment Direction 26 – Managing Performance in the State Service’ and instead concentrated on the quality of performance conversations. The audit scope also excluded the framework established and activities undertaken relating to the ongoing management of underperformance.