About this report or communique
Report of the Auditor-General No. 4 of 2020: Information and communications technology strategy, critical systems and investment
The objective of this audit was to form a conclusion on whether government ICT strategy, critical systems and investment are managed in an effective, coordinated and strategic manner.
The audit examined and analysed information relating to government ICT strategy, critical systems and investment in the following agencies:
- Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPAC), including the Digital Strategy and Services (DSS) Division
- Department of Communities Tasmania
- Department of Education
- Department of Health (including the Tasmanian Health Service)
- Department of Justice
- Department of Police, Fire and Emergency Management
- Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment
- Department of State Growth
- Department of Treasury and Finance (Treasury).
Although TasTAFE is represented in the whole-of-government bodies that comprise the government digital services governance framework, it was not included in the scope of this audit.