About this report or communique
Report of the Auditor-General No. 8 2017-18
Follow up of selected Auditor-General reports – March 2015 to May 2015
The objective of the audit was to form conclusions on the:
- extent to which recommendations made in the four reports have been implemented
- appropriateness of the rationale or evidence to support non-implementation.
The report covers four audits tabled between March and May 2015:
- Security of information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure
Tabled 26 March 2015 - Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery: compliance with the National Standards for Australian Museums and Galleries
Tabled 26 March 2015 - Number of public primary schools
Tabled 26 May 2015 - Road management in local government
Tabled on 26 May 2015