Alignment of the duration of custodial stays at Ashley Youth Detention Centre with related sentencing orders

About this report or communique

Report of the Auditor-General No. 1 of 2024-25: Alignment of the duration of custodial stays at Ashley Youth Detention Centre with related sentencing ordersReport cover

The objective of this audit was to express an opinion on whether the length of custodial stays undertaken at Ashley Youth Detention Centre (AYDC) are compliant with sentencing orders under the Sentencing Act 1997 and Youth Justice Act 1997.

This audit examined whether the length of custodial stays undertaken at AYDC from 2014-2023 align with sentencing orders. This included an assessment of processes, roles, responsibilities, systems and record keeping.

The audit did not examine:

  • the judicial process for arriving at a sentence for a young offender
  • periods of detention, on remand, that have not resulted in a custodial sentencing order
  • non-custodial sentences
  • pastoral care of young people during their custodial stay
  • the financial cost of detention.