About this report or communique
Report of the Auditor-General No. 8 of 2020-21: Auditor-General’s Report on the Financial Statements of State Entities Volume 1 – Audit of State entities and audited subsidiaries of State entities 31 December 2019 and 30 June 2020
This volume provides an overview of financial statement audits, including details on the submission of financial statements by State entities and audited subsidiaries, timeliness of audit completion, audit opinions issued and audits dispensed with. As at 30 November 2020, 106 financial statement audits had been completed with 16 audits to be completed.
Commentary on the aggregated financial results and position of the General Government Sector and Government Business Sector is also included in this volume, and summarises overall sector financial performance, sources of revenue, capital investment and financing and debt.
This volume also includes the outcomes of the Auditor-General’s audit of all firearms and ammunition disposed of under the Firearms Act 1996 for the years ended 30 June 2018 and 2019.